Fawn HTB (Starting Point)
Hello, everyone we are here to pwn the next machine that is named fawn, and this is also a very straightforward and simple machine to solve. Let us move to the actual hacking part here.
After hitting random keys for a while. I ran this command to check for all the services running on the IP, their versions and ran a default scripts on those services. Finally saving it as nmap_fawn.
After running the command I found out that there is a ftp service running and due to the -sC we can see the default script has fetched the flag.txt with the anonymous login.
which means this server is subjected to anonymous login vulnerability. So let’s start exploiting this.
Lets connect to the FTP server using the command:
ftp <IP>
let us give anonymous in the username field and hit enter in the password section.
And that should log us in the ftp server, now we can get the flag file using the “get” command obviously.
Once done we will exit from the ftp server and come to the working directory and “cat” the flg.txt we just downloaded.
and there you have it one easy peasy room done and dusted !!…