Introduction To Cloud Computing

Rishabh Rai
3 min readOct 16, 2022


To understand Cloud Security, you first need to understand what clouds are or what cloud computing is.
Let’s take a look at:

What is cloud computing ?

Suppose you want to start an organization and for that you will need some infrastructure consisting of databases, computers, software programs etc.
To set up, all this will take a lot of capital to invest and may be difficult for you to invest in the early stage of the organization. Now to overcome this obstacle Cloud Computing comes in the picture, It provides you with Infrastructure or Service and Product as a service according to your requirements. We will talk about this in detail further in the blog.


PUBLIC : Public clouds are the foremost common sort of cloud computing sending. The cloud assets (like servers and capacity) are claimed and worked by a third-party cloud benefit supplier and conveyed over the web. With a public cloud, all equipment, program, and other supporting foundation are possessed and overseen by the cloud supplier. Public Clouds are AWS, AZURE, Google etc.

PRIVATE: Private clouds are commonly known as Corporate Clouds. As all the hardware and software resources are only accessible by a particular customer (any company/organization). Private clouds are used because private cloud is an easier way (or the only way) to meet organization’s regulatory compliance requirements. Maintaining confidentiality is also a major aspect for companies to choose private clouds.

HYBRID: A hybrid cloud approach combines private and public clouds to produce a versatile cloud computing mix. By extending infrastructure and operations, hybrid cloud computing continuously meets the demands of a company.


IaaS: Stands for Infrastructure as a Service, and it takes away the problem of setting up a physical infrastructure to operate an organization and gives you infrastructure (Storage and Virtualization) with the help of clouds. The provider gives you access to, and management of, the network, servers, virtualization, and storage you need. All the infrastructure provided can be accessed by a dashboard or use of API. Public cloud providers such as AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud are examples of IaaS.

PaaS: Other type is Platform as a Service, Provider supplies this platform to the user after hosting the necessary hardware and software on its own network. You write the code, build, and manage your apps, but you do it without the headaches of software updates or hardware maintenance. The environment to build and deploy is provided for you. A few examples of PaaS are AWS Elastic Beanstalk, Heroku, and Red Hat OpenShift.

SaaS: Third and the last type is Service as a Service, delivers a whole program that is controlled by a provider via a web browser, making it the most comprehensive type of cloud computing services. Software updates, bug fixes, and general software maintenance are handled by the provider and the user connects to the app via a dashboard or API. There’s no installation of the software on individual machines, and group access to the program is smoother and more reliable. You’re already familiar with a form of SaaS if you have an email account with a web-based service like Outlook or Gmail. SaaS saves you in time and maintenance, however, it could cost you in control, security, and performance, so it’s important to choose a provider you can trust. Dropbox, Salesforce, Google Apps, and Red Hat Insights are some examples of SaaS.

These were the basic info about the types and services provided by clouds.
Now the important point is how can you learn and earn from Cloud…
Best Approach could be, study and get certifications. Now there are many renowned organization that provide cloud certs… You can pick anyone of them suitable to your requirements, price, or maybe which is preferred in your organization.

Some of the best certs to start your journey in Cloud Computing/Security are listed below:

AWS Certified Solutions Architect — Associate
AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner
AWS Certified Developer — Associate
AWS Certified SysOps Administrator — Associate
Microsoft Certified: Azure Fundamentals
Microsoft Certified: Azure Administrator Associate
Google Associate Cloud Engineer
Microsoft Certified: Azure Solutions Architect Expert
Google Professional Cloud Architect
AWS Architect Professional



Rishabh Rai

4th year student exploring the world of cyber security with a knack for writing and always learning.